.:: 3nd Press Conference ::.

3rd Press Conference

On 29th April, 2003, the last press conference of Slovene cyclists Fredi VIRAG and Marko BALOH before their deparure for the Race Across America - RAAM 2003 was held in Ljubljana.

There are only 16 days left before the race starts and the cyclists are well-prepared for the most demanding ultramarathon cycling event in the world.

Fredi VIRAG, from Idrija, who is participating in this race for the 4th time is well-prepared. He surpassed Slovene national record in 48-hour-uninterrupted ride on 3th May, 2003, in Moravske Toplice (the new record is 1278km) in the course of his preparation. Before his departure there were some minor changes in his team although, in his opinion, that should not affect his performance. He trusts his team because they are people who will breathe with him and support him during the race.

His training went according to plan and he fulfilled the expectations even though he cycled fewer kilometres than last year. His preparations went according to plan and he fulfilled the expectations.

Fredi VIRAG and his team leave for the USA on 9th June, 2003.

Marko BALOH, from Ljubljana, had his "rehearsal" for RAAM between 28th and 30th March, 2003, when he raced across entire Slovenia. In 50 hours he cycled the complete distance of 1138 km.

Marko BALOH is also the current world record holder for the 12-hour-chronometer. His preparations went according to plan and will finish this weekend, after his last somewhat longer training. The entire ammount of the cycled kilometres is 1500. He is excellently prepared as well as his team which will accompany him during the Race Across America. They all eagerly expect the beginning of the race.

Marko BALOH leaves for the USA on 4th July, 2003. His team will join him there on 12th July, 2003.

Both cyclists are among the favourites for the victory on RAAM (also according to the organizers) but they both are very modest and have annonced only the placing among the best.

During the race, information will be at hand on the official RAAM web site: www.RaceAcrossAmerica.org or on the web site: www.MarkoBaloh.com. There you will be able to get daily fresh news/reports and new information concerning the race.
All the material (photographs and texts which will be published on the latter) will be available and free of charge if you decide to use it for publishing. The contact telephone number of the team's mobile phone in the USA will be available on the web site where you will be able to obtain statements and other information directly from the participants.Fotografije z novinarske konference.

Photographs from the press conference



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