On Tuesday June 13th, 2017 I will stand on the start-line of RAAM for the 9th time in my career. That is as a racer. I did two more times, one as official and one as a crew chief, so all together this is my 11th. :) The answer to the question why the ninth time is pretty simple – because I feel I haven't raced my perfect race yet. Of yourse I am thinking about victory, but the only way to reach it is to race a perfect race. And give those few percent more that were missing until this time. My preparation was at least as good as in my best years, I am more experienced and I have a crew that will do everything in their power to help me reach my goal.

Dirka okoli Slovenije 2017 je za nami. Najprej gre najlepša zahvala organizatorjem, da so po lanski pavzi ponovno zagnali kolesje ene izmed najlepših dirk v ultra-kolesarskem koledarju. Druga zahvala gre slovenski publiki, ki je DOS in njene kolesarje vzela za svoje. Navijači ob trasi so bili res neumorni, ob vseh urah dneva in noči ter ob vsakem vremenu. Tretjič pa zahvala moji mali ekipi, tokrat z nekaj novimi člani, od katerih se bodo nekateri prvič spoprijeli tudi z RAAM-om. Hvala Irma, Borut, Aleš, Gregor in Luka! Bili ste odlični in z optimizmom zrem mesec dni naprej na Dirko preko Amerike RAAM 2017.

Here is the start list for 10th Race around Slovenia DOS/RAS Extreme. You can follow the race through GPS Tracking on the organizer's website and LieStreamn Video here on my website.Link will be published soon.

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