On Sunday August 18th, 2019 I will start my fourth PBP. What is PBP? A legendary cycling event is with 1.200km the longest running cycling event that is still organised periodically, every four years to be exact. 12 years have passed since my first one, but I still remember it like yesterday, A beautiful cycling event in a beautiful country, where people love cycling and treat cyclists accordingly. Everyone of 6.000+cyclists that tackle the legendary event is treated like a hero. The atmosphere at PBP is awesome and indescribable. 

To get to know the feeling, you have to try it yourself. Join us in 2023 first at the qualifying brevets in Slovenia and then in Paris in August! I am enclosing a few photographies from PBP 2011 and 2015.

To je bila Markova deseta udeležba na Race across kot tekmovalca. Do sedaj je dirkal osemkrat kot posameznik in enkrat kot član dvočlanske ekipe s Tomažem Perčičem. Z doseženimi tremi tretjimi in enim drugim mestom, je eden izmed najuspešnejših kolesarjev v zgodovini dirke, cilj letos pa je bil ponovno boriti se za zmago, vsaj tisto v kategoriji nad 50 let in potegovati se za rekord trase v taisti kategoriji.

In a few days another great adventure begins, we call it Race Across America = RAAM. This will be Marko’s 10th participation since his first in 2003 and in the first nine, he has had three 3rd places and one 2nd, so the only thing missing is a victory. We are going for it again next week!

As usually Marko has spent the last days in Borrego Springs, preparing for the heat expected during the race, which is supposed to be from 100-112F for the first couple of days. The photos are from Borrego where a large number of RAAM/RAW competitors gather to acclimatise to the heat.

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